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Sculpture Courses

Sculpture classes covering techniques such as carving, mould making, modelling and casting are offered to beginners & advanced students.

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Dynamic Head and Torso in Clay with Richard Byrnes / 1 Day Workshop

Dynamic Head and Torso in Clay with Richard Byrnes / 1 Day Workshop

Capture the dynamism of the human head and torso in clay. From provided source material students will first create a head in clay and then a female torso. Instruction in facial proportions, anatomy, symmetry and the topography of the head will be covered with particular attention paid to the modelling of facial features such as eyes and nose. A human torso will then be fabricated capturing the movement and mass of the female figure....
$166.65 Limited GST free / $146.45
Dynamic Head and Torso in Clay with Richard Byrnes / 1 Day Workshop

<p><strong>Beginners welcome.</strong></p>

<p>Capture the dynamism of the human head and torso in clay. Over the course of this one day workshop two sculptures will be created that will later be fired


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