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Art Thursday for Young Children (5 - 10 year olds) with Anyes Theau

Art Thursday for Young Children (5 - 10 year olds) with Anyes Theau

For 5-10 year olds // Within this program, students will develop their foundational art skills through practice with various media and artistic processes. 

Click the class name for more information and the materials

$257.55 Limited GST free
Art Thursday for Young Children (5 - 10 year olds) with Anyes Theau

<p>For 5-10 year olds // Within this program, students will develop their foundational art skills through practice with various media and artistic processes. The students will be encouraged to develop


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Expressive Drawing with Jody Graham

Expressive Drawing with Jody Graham

Embark on a new artistic journey with a dynamic drawing course, tailored for adults seeking a fresh perspective on contemporary drawing! Immerse yourself in a world of inspiration, where every week unfolds with a diverse array of ideas, innovative concepts, and meticulously crafted lesson plans.

This intensive drawing experience is not just a course; it's a catalyst for unlocking your creativity.

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An Introduction to Abstraction with Jan Cristaudo / 1 Day Workshop

An Introduction to Abstraction with Jan Cristaudo / 1 Day Workshop

This would be a good starting point for artists wishing to explore abstraction. Abstract art is more than just putting down paint and moving it around a canvas. You have to know your medium, colours and brushwork and be able to build your painting up from a foundation that can capture all of that.  Click on the class name for more details.
$186.85 Limited GST free / $166.65
An Introduction to Abstraction with Jan Cristaudo / 1 Day Workshop

<p>This would be a good starting point for artists wishing to explore abstraction.</p>

<p>As an abstract artist I immerse myself in the environment to capture that sense of place.</p>

<p>My work comes


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Capturing Australian Landscape with Idris Murphy / 3 Day Holiday Workshop

Learn from Murphy’s deep understanding of colour. This workshop involves technical discussions at the start of each day and then focused work and individual attention from Idris on your work past and present with an emphasis on developing your own voice. Bring your finished works and works in progress to focus discussion and development.
$600 Limited GST free / $580
Capturing Australian Landscape with Idris Murphy / 3 Day Holiday Workshop

<p><em>Suitable for intermediate - advanced students.</em></p>

<p>Learn from Murphy’s deep understanding of colour. </p>

<p>This workshop involves technical discussions at the start of each day and


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

The Acrylic Journey - Stephen Hall

The Acrylic Journey - Stephen Hall

All skill levels are welcome in this course which explores the use of various mediums in producing acrylic paintings. It will be a journey from the thinnest techniques giving watercolour effects using surface tension breaker medium all the way through to thick expressive palette knife applications using impasto and modelling mediums. Subjects and style are the choice of each artist – bring along 2D reference materials or still life objects. The materials list is available for...

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.