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Holiday Workshop (one off)

Join us for a spring workshop!

16 September - 6 October

Explore a new skill or genre and grow your art practice this spring. Browse our program below for what's on offer. We have a wide selection of one to five day workshops covering everything from painting and drawing to ceramics and sculpture.

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Big Landscapes, Big Horizons with Rowen Matthews / 2 Day Workshop

Big Landscapes, Big Horizons with Rowen Matthews / 2 Day Workshop

This workshop looks at the Australian painting tradition of challenging a big landscape with a big horizon. Explaining and exploring the energetic techniques of Australian painting expression from colonial times until the present, with a focus on palette-knife painting. We will look at rhythms, repeated shapes, indicators of depth, and abstract qualities of distance and form....
$383.8 Limited GST free / $363.60
Big Landscapes, Big Horizons with Rowen Matthews / 2 Day Workshop

<p><em>Suitable for acrylic as well as oil paint.</em></p>

<p>This workshop looks at the Australian painting tradition of challenging a big landscape with a big horizon. Explaining and exploring the

Members: Receive your $20 membership discount automatically on checkout

If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Introduction to Copper Plate Etching with Angus Fisher / 2 Day Workshop

Introduction to Copper Plate Etching with Angus Fisher / 2 Day Workshop

Come and explore the wonderful world of copper plate etching and gain a thorough understanding of this exciting, safe and accessible medium over two days. During the workshop we will explore various techniques and processes and work with both linear and tonal effects on our plates (including aquatint). Students will develop a series of prints in their own style drawn from their own imagery.
$368.65 Limited GST free / $348.45
Introduction to Copper Plate Etching with Angus Fisher / 2 Day Workshop

<p><em><strong>Suitable for both beginners and experienced print makers. No experience required.</strong></em></p>

<p>Come and explore the wonderful world of copper plate etching and gain a thorough

Members: Receive your $20 membership discount automatically on checkout

If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Abstract Landscapes in Watercolour with Yvonne East / 1 Day Workshop

Abstract Landscapes in Watercolour with Yvonne East / 1 Day Workshop


This workshop will introduce you to understanding the nature of watercolour pigments and pigment flow, exciting colour combinations for painting landscapes, and bold composition structures. Get your creative expression flowing and explore unconventional approaches to painting with watercolour in this fun one-day workshop....

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