Mixed Media with Judith White - Finding a New Direction / 2 Day Workshop

Mixed Media with Judith White - Finding a New Direction / 2 Day Workshop
$393.9 Limited GST free / $373.70
Mixed Media with Judith White - Finding a New Direction / 2 Day Workshop

<p>If you would like to make a start in painting beyond the usual confines of just one medium, then this workshop will inspire and get you started. If you already paint in mixed media but feel there

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If you would like to make a start in painting beyond the usual confines of just one medium, then this workshop will inspire and get you started. If you already paint in mixed media but feel there is something missing, or you’ve reached a dead end, then this class is perfect.

The workshop will include exercises and demonstrations combining acrylics, collage and various drawing materials. Controlling materials, liberating mark making, understanding colour, and working with some helpful compositional guidelines will be featured. Contemporary still-life and landscape will be subject formats.

Please view the materials list provided under Additional Information.

This class is suitable for beginners or students starting in a new direction

Additional information