Collagraph & Mixed Media with Lenore Bassan / 2 Day Workshop

Collagraph & Mixed Media with Lenore Bassan / 2 Day Workshop
$363.6 Limited GST free / $343.40
Collagraph & Mixed Media with Lenore Bassan / 2 Day Workshop

<p>During this workshop participants will be experimenting with different approaches and materials to the making of collagraph plates including low relief with various tapes and embossed wallpapers,

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During this workshop participants will be experimenting with different approaches and materials to the making of collagraph plates including low relief with various tapes and embossed wallpapers, intaglio method removing layers of paper from mount board, combination relief and intaglio on one plate, combination collagraph with linocut.

We will aim to make at least 4- 6 plates on day 1 allowing the glues and shellac to dry overnight, then printing on Day 2.  

If time permits, a lino cut plate could also be made on day 1 or 2 to complement the collagraph plates.

All skill levels welcome!

All materials will be provided including various tapes, relief wallpapers, carborundum paste and sandpaper, adhesive aluminium foils, linoleum, cutting tools,  ink, paper. 

Please bring apron, gloves and an expectation of experimenting with various tones, textures, materials and colour.

Terms & Conditions
Please choose carefully as fees are non-refundable. Refunds of course fees will only be given if the course is cancelled or a place is not available in the course.

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