Pinch and Coil with Barbara Campbell-Allen / 5 Day Workshop

Pinch and Coil with Barbara Campbell-Allen / 5 Day Workshop
$600 Limited GST free
Pinch and Coil with Barbara Campbell-Allen / 5 Day Workshop

<p><em><strong>Not suitable for beginners.</strong></em></p>

<p>In this workshop Barbara Campbell-Allen will introduce a combination pinch/coil technique suitable for the construction of vessels or


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Not suitable for beginners.

In this workshop Barbara Campbell-Allen will introduce a combination pinch/coil technique suitable for the construction of vessels or sculptures of any scale. By incorporating a support system within the construction process that ensures stability, form possibilities are expanded. This enables more freedom in the design and making of hollow forms.

Pieces constructed in the workshop will be bisque fired only. Price includes $25 firing fee.

Terms & Conditions

Please choose carefully as fees are non-refundable. Refunds of course fees will only be given if the course is cancelled or a place is not available in the course.

Payment of course fees implies that you have read and agree to the WAC Terms & Conditions.

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